Want Porn To Be Boring

We want porn to be ‘boring’, say websites

Fist time in town sexy looking beeg com Instead of cracking down on porn websites, governments should take pride in sexual expression and help to make porn normal and 'boring'. Because porn is boring? I mean, that's the simplest answer. Different people find different things engaging, of course. If you're bored of porn, find someone who is sexually open and confident and have all the exciting, creative, and richly-varied sex you want. “The fundamental problem with mainstream porn is that it is so boring, so unimaginative,” she said. wants what it wants. want to do more '. I want to quit porn and masturbation forever! I am trying meditation and reading more books to stop the addiction. NothingMoreNothingLess.

I'm Beginning To Feel Like Porn Is Getting Boring.

We want porn to be boring, say Pornhub owners | Inquirer News We want porn to be boring, say Pornhub owners.

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